Dry Socket

Dry socket is a condition that occurs after a tooth has been extracted.  This condition is not a result of recurrent infection.  It is as a by-product of the dislodgement of the blood clot that formed in the socket of the previously extracted tooth.  This is not a common complication from extractions, but the risk of dry socket is heightened if the patient smokes or uses a straw after the procedure.  The sucking motion on both of these products can displace the socket as well as with smoking there can be a lot of temperature changes which will ultimately shrink and swell the clot thus displacing it.  Please follow all of the post-operative instructions given after the procedure to help decrease the chance of having dry socket.  If after an extraction you are having pain in the area that cannot be maintained with OTC analgesics please call your dentist to evaluate the cause of your malaise.

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This information is meant solely for informational purposes and not as medical or dental advice.  Please consult your physician before any dental procedures.