Tooth Development

Primary Dentition

Many people call these "baby teeth".  During development, our primary teeth normally erupt out of the gums (gingiva) in the timeline that is depicted on the left.  If your child does not progress exactly on this timeline, that is not completely uncommon.  We all develop in our own way, and there is a lot of fluctuation in how teeth erupt.  Many times we can take x-rays in the office to check the progress of the missing teeth to see if they are working their way out of the gums or are congenitally missing.  If you are concerned with your child's dental development, call to schedule an appointment with your dentist for a consultation.

Permanent Dentition

This is the "adult" dentition.  Most permanent teeth have erupted by our 20s except for the wisdom teeth (3rd molars).  These teeth tend to come in behind our primary teeth because there is more space there, also so they can align properly in the adult arches.  If you notice your child's adult teeth coming in behind their baby teeth this is many times normal.  If you are concerned about the progress or spacing of your child's teeth, call your dentist to schedule a consultation.

All images were attained from the ADA Mouth Healthy website.

This information is meant solely for informational purposes and not as medical or dental advice.  Please consult your physician before any dental procedures.