
Clear Retainers

Here at the office we do limited orthodontics with Invisalign and SureSmile.  Tooth movement is achieved though a series of clear, flexible trays that adjust the position of each tooth systematically to gain an overall straighter and more proportional smile.

Before a patient goes forward with their case, it is important that their teeth are in a healthy condition. Teeth that are loose, broken, or affected by gum disease/decay do not respond well to treatment. The risk of moving teeth with these conditions can almost certainly lead to tooth loss. A straighter smile starts with a healthy smile. 

Clear aligner cases begin with a consult with the dentist to determine the patient's length of treatment, number of aligners, amount of movement of the teeth, and the estimated cost of treatment. Once a treatment plan is established, an impression (or mold of the teeth) is taken and sent to Invisalign or SureSmile. From this point the doctor works with the patient and the aligner company to follow the treatment plan. During this phase the patient is able to see an estimated result of their concluded treatment by means of a simulated video of their teeth.  After treatment is finished the patient will wear retainers at night to help maintain the new alignment of their teeth.

For more information follow the link below


This information is meant solely for informational purposes and not as medical or dental advice.  Please consult your physician before any dental procedures.