

Bitewings are one of the best diagnostic tools a dental professional has in their arsenal to help prevent caries.  These images look intimately at each tooth and its relationship to the adjacent teeth.  Each surface of the tooth can be evaluated for decay; especially where our teeth touch each other, which is the location of the most common type of cavity.  Dentists use these images to help diagnose caries on teeth, between teeth, and also to evaluate the height of bone that is holding the tooth in place.  BW images are absolutely crucial in evaluating for periodontal disease as well.  It is recommended that BWs be taken every 1-2 years. 

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Periapical Radiograph

Periapical radiographs are used less as a preventative measure and more as a diagnostic tool.  Many times when a PA is taken, the patient is either having pain on a tooth/teeth or has recent trauma in the area.  Dentists use this type of image to help diagnose pathology or fractures near or within the roots of teeth. There are no timing recommendations from the ADA for these images, they are mainly taken when the dentist needs more diagnostic information about a certain area of the mouth.

Panoramic Radiograph

Panoramic radiographs take an image of the head and neck region all at once.  The reasoning for images such as these are to give a brief survey of the overall health and function of a patient's oral cavity as well as the surrounding structures.  Dentists use these images to diagnose any issues in the sinuses, jaws, or neck while additionally using them to track the progression of developing teeth in children.  This includes monitoring the progress of 3rd molar development or the recession of bone in edentulous patients.  A PAN also screens for abnormalities in the hard and soft tissue in the area of the head and neck including cysts, tumors, cancer, TMJ disorders, or even calcifications in the local arteries and veins.  It is recommended that a PAN be taken every 3-5 years.  

This information is meant solely for informational purposes and not as medical or dental advice.  Please consult your physician before any dental procedures.